Champion Bridge Drain™ Launched in February
In addition to Champion Strut™, we also announced the addition of Champion Bridge Drain™ to our product family in February.
Champion Bridge Drain™ is a fiberglass bridge drainage system that includes a complete line of fittings, non-metallic accessories and hangers.

It is versatile, durable and can be used in many highly corrosive drainage applications.
Made from filament wound and cured epoxy resins, the Champion Bridge Drain™ system consists of straight lengths, fittings, non-metallic accessories and hangers that withstand harsh, corrosion-filled environments including gas, oil and salt found on roadway bridges.
These Champion Bridge Drain™ resources are available to educate customers:
- Champion Bridge Drain™ Catalog
- Champion Bridge Drain™ Specifications
- Champion Bridge Drain™ Engineering Details
Visit the Champion Bridge Drain product page here.
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